No body likes the records that you play, I'VE HEARD THAT! I luv that song! btw gr8 job in the up in arms collab
Welcome to my teenage years. Past-me was doing his best, don't judge him too harshly.
Country of Last Things
Joined on 9/3/07
No body likes the records that you play, I'VE HEARD THAT! I luv that song! btw gr8 job in the up in arms collab
hehe yeah great song
thats the problem i dont have a flash maker thingy cant animate some pics but ill send u some of my art
oh and also dont want to be rude to ur collab group:the aura core but jeinu ur art seems to be the center fold of there collab i wouldnt even watch there vids if ur art wasnt in there its realy good better then most of the people in ur group sorry >.>
you just lost all hope of ever making a collaboration with me.
please get out now.
Fuck you man.
my bad sorry it was just a compliment didnt mean to press any buttons but ok wat ever WITH ALL HONESTY SORRY FOR SAYING THAT
that was not a compliment that was a downright lie.
i do so hate liars.
You rock Jeinu -hugs- :D
He also lost all hopes of getting lucky with me
i'm sure he regrets this the most
i know some how some way some of u r going to kik me in the balls O_O
or teach you to spell
or something iono
SORRY honestly im just trying to say sorry and i wouldnt count it as a lie in fact-nvm but thats not the point i didnt lie i think i was a bit over complimentive but sorry
and also teach you to use punctuation sheesh !
well he did use a hyphen
or maybe he was combining to make a compound word
good point
I think he's trying to hard
I mean, once you're rejected, you're rejected
It's like auditoning for American Idol
Except there's like 5 judges instead of 4
and there's no Ryan Seacrest
and no stage
or singing
yeah it's JUST like auditioning for American Idol
JUST like
ok alright ill stop and leve enjoy ur art career
You simply must publish a journal of your adventures in Nebraska.
but it would be really boring !!!
ur art wouldnt have happen to be in a new paper comics would it?i saw a new comic and it faovred ur art style
i don't like you
I just discovered that my bin of mini-muffins expires on your 18th birthday
clearly i am some sort of reincarnation of your bin of mini-muffins
this newspost is as old as paul auster
hey i update sometimes !
COMING THIS YEAR A NEW LINE OF COMICS SHA'LL BE SOLD,BY A NEW COMPANY:PHONIEX PRODUCTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!I WANT YOU TO BLOW UP,first you need to think about the world and how its a bomb,then trigger it by saying "I THINK IM TURNIN NINJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
^ clearly he's still overwhelmed by the emotional damage that he endured when you rejected him.
Now, he has resorted to obscenely menacing narcotics.
good god what have i done to this poor young man's life !
Lmao looking back at this argument back in november i can see that i was wrong,geez that was hilarious.I use to look up to you in art.But meh,hope to see more work from you in the future.Lolol i can't believe i said all that stuff
I hate art too.
I just dropped by to say that you and GateKeeperGirl had the best parts in the In My Arms collab, and that the whole thing was pretty sweet.
it was alright i suppose !